Titel: Re-fueling after a long non-stop migration from i.e. Yucatan (app. 18 hours). The black mulberries are perfect for the purpose - contains lots of sugar.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 10 Brændvidde: 700 Lukkertid: 1/1328 ISO: 1600 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x869
Titel: Not easy to ID in relation to it's European relative. In avarage it's smaller (1-2 cm) than S. albifrons; - but size overlap in the normal distribution in a group of birds.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 7.1 Brændvidde: 840 Lukkertid: 1/1024 ISO: 200 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1150x767
Beskrivelse: Supplement til de fine billeder fra Nord-Jylland. Her ses en adult hun - samme individ på alle 4 fotos.
Mindre orange på undersiden - i stedet mere bleg og med fine striber - samt meget lyse baser af armsvingfjer i mod skarpt afsat sort bagkant på armen. Tak til KMO for 'second opinion' og den præcise uddybning af min ID!
Titel: The Crane in natural winter-time environment. Might be a family, - two adult birds - and one 1Y bird: since the bird at the left still has a little brown left in the head/neck region
Beskrivelse: A really tall bird 125cm compared to G. grus beeing app. 100-105cm. A lot of the time in relatively deep water, but also taking food in the wet meadows behind. Most birds left the sanctuary before the end of March. We spotted 5 individuals this day.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 5.6 Brændvidde: 840 Lukkertid: 1/1328 ISO: 160 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1100x797
Titel: The Cattle egret is very opportunistic in choice of nature type and food. It expands rapidly in the US. Here at an Oyster bank on the Texas coast.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 5.6 Brændvidde: 840 Lukkertid: 1/1328 ISO: 125 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1500x1000
Titel: Male with yellow bill, female 'olive'. Even if this species is close to the Mallard differences are obvious, sexes much alike, no curl on tail, tiny black spot on gape.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 5.6 Brændvidde: 840 Lukkertid: 1/1024 ISO: 1600 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1100x734
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