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On March 25, 2025, the Gwich'in Tribal Council, Na-Cho Nyӓk Dun First Nation, Parks Canada and Yukon government took a significant step towards establishing a 3,000 square kilometer (741,316 acre...

Af Søren Gjaldbæk Mandag den 25. marts var jeg en tur på Horseklint - uden de store forventninger. Det var overskyet, sigten ikke alt for god og metrologerne...

Det er snart tid for årsmøte! I år skal vi reise nordover, til Sommarøya i Troms. Sammen med vår avdeling i Troms inviterer vi til årsmøtehelg 9.–11. mai.

Morning observations: This morning I was with Henrik at the morning observation. We were hoping to see a lot of duck, because the weather conditions looked promising. Unfortunately we didn?t see that...

Today Mara said many philosophical things. For example, ?a zero count is also a count?. Luckily, we did not have a zero count today. But the ringing team was pretty close, they had only a very low...

Ringing: Today was a very nice and sunny day! In total 8 different species have been captured and I ringed my first redwing today! Since the time I am here i have already ringed 142 birds and 21 different...

We have now had two nights without frost and along with southerly winds I have been expecting a flood of migrants. Of course, that has not been the case and viz mig has been a particular disappointment with just a few flocks of Pink-footed Geese, 2 Cranes and a Kestrel. I had a real hope for a few raptors but it is clearly still too early still (and I have this “surprise” every year at this time….). Despite the lack of viz mig there has been an arrival of new birds. Dunnocks and Redwings are suddenly back and singing from woodland, White and Grey Wagtail are suddenly wagging away and there are considerably more Lapwing, Mistle Thrushes, Chaffinches, Bramblings and a large Twite flock in Maridalen. Surprisingly though there are no Robins back yet but that must happen soon. The Hawk Owl has been showing very well as it exploits a rich source of Bank Voles (klatremus) and I was very happy to be able to film it dismembering and then eating one. A trip to Østensjøvannet was very birdy with lots of noisy gulls and various wildfowl with a pair of Smew being the absolute highlight. The video I have long wanted to capture showing the beheading, entrails removing and swallowing of a vole Hawkie on a wire and on its way down for what ended up being an unsuccessful vole hunt this video has a few sequences with it giving its call that I also heard frequently when it first turned up in November male Smew (lappfiskand) pair and with a Grey Heron (gråhegre) 3 male Teal (krikkand) and a close of up another bird the Heron was not at all popular with the Black-headed Gulls (hettemåke) Goosander (laksand) are also back 3 species of returning gulls on the ice and 2 male Goosander Grey Wagtail (vintererle) is back in the Dale as is Dunnock (jernspurv) and Redwing (rødvingetrost) and a large flock of Twite (bergirisk) is having a stop off on its migration and the first White Wagtail (linerle) of the year not in Maridalen and not a good picture but I cannot remember capturing Parrot (furukorsnebb) and Common Crossbill (grankorsnebb) together before Canada and Greylag Geese in Maridalen suddenly became very alert when this fox appeared

NEW YORK—Today, scientists with the National Audubon Society published a new study in Global Change Biology that analyzed 43 species of warblers and the conservation challenges they face along...

DOF Storstrøm afholder en tur til Nordjylland i forbindelse med Kristi Himmelfartsdag fra den 29. maj til den 1. juni. Der er meget på programmet, blandt andet...

Ringmærkningen: Marith havde en fridag så jeg måtte selv klare at sætte nettene op. Heldigvis udeblev tågen og der var også både jernspurv og rødhalse at høre mens de sidste net kom op. Det...

It was very cloudy when we went out to World?s End 3 this morning. We were just about to set up our scopes when Rasmus spotted a raptor coming in from the sea. It was an Osprey (Fiskeørn), the first...

Ringmærkningen: xxxxx Trækket på Odden: Et stort træk af Ederfugle (Somateria mollissima) er i gang. Onsdag blev det til tæt på 6.500 i løbet af de fem timer, vi kalder for standardtiden. Desværre...

Morning observations: The ringing: It was less wind than yesterday morning so more nets could be opened but they just caught four more birds than yesterday. I decided to make this a picture blog,...

Et par dage efter Jettes død 9. februar fik lokalafdelingen besked om, at Jette havde tabt kampen mod kræften. Hun var aftenen før blevet indlagt på sygehuset...

Whether gliding low over the water, diving headfirst into a school of unsuspecting fish or loafing on a dock, Brown Pelicans are icons of Tampa Bay and southwest Florida. Like many Floridians and...

26. mar. 2025 kl. 01:21
Juvenile Brown Pelicans aren’t exactly cooperative—like any tween they’re instantly recalcitrant when faced with authority. “One volunteer had their hat stolen by a pelican that was resisting...

26. mar. 2025 kl. 01:14
It is springtime in North America—a season of transformation. The arrival of migratory birds, blooming flowers, and longer days signal renewal and possibility. Across the Western Hemisphere, the...

What: A sprawling network of seasonal lakes, pools, and marshes amid grasslands that supports waterfowl, shorebirds, and prairie species galore. Where: Stretching from Iowa through Minnesota...

26. mar. 2025 kl. 00:00
Når vi med den grønne trepart lægger landbrugsjord om til lavbundsjord, vil tranen få flere vådområder at yngle i. DOF spår, at bestanden kan blive fordoblet til omkring 2.000 ynglepar.

Ringmærkningen: Vinden havde lagt sig lidt siden i går så alt blev åbnet. De første 2 runder var der pænt med fugle, men der efter var der kun få pr runde. Dog var der kun en runde på dagen som...

Morning observations: Today I had some company of a harbour seal ?Spættet Sæl? at the morning observations. It was playing in the water by the shoreline, which was nice to see. At the first hour...

As the sun continues its cruel march toward an earlier sunrise every day, so too must we set our alarms earlier. Today, my alarm was set for 4:25 am but I know in a month or two that will seem like a sleep...

.dropcap { color: #838078; float: left; font-size: 82px; line-height: 60px; padding: 5px 8px 0 0; } .art-aside-tmp { height: auto !important; min-height: auto...

.dropcap { color: #838078; float: left; font-size: 82px; line-height: 60px; padding: 5px 8px 0 0; } .art-aside-tmp { height: auto !important; min-height: auto...

Dallas May can’t help but feel that something is missing. For more than a decade he’s been working to restore shortgrass prairie habitat to support wildlife on his family’s 20,000-acre ranch in...
