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Beloved by the public, bird enthusiasts, and researchers alike, finches are among our most familiar birds. Yet, they are deceptively complex, presenting some of North America’s most intricate avian...
På DOF-basen er der opfordret til at tælle vandfugle m.fl. + enkelte rovfuglearter: I weekenden 12.-13. oktober 2024 og dagene omkring denne gennemføres en NOVANA-tælling,...
Af Søren Gjaldbæk Vi er nu halvvejs i efterårets boligbirding, der som i de tidligere år ikke har så mange deltagere. Vi er 26, der indtaster vores observationer...
Decreased eggshell thickness at high ambient temperatures in Zebra Finches The post Feeling the heat? appeared first on British Ornithologists' Union.
Obs: Det var endnu en kold morgen på hukket, med temperature ned til 6-7° fra solopgangs tid, og en svag vind fra NNØ. En morgen som der generelt lignede i går rigtig meget på mange punkter. Det...
Obs: Today we started the day as usual opening the nets at the lighthouse and the stationsgarden. When we went out we already heard lots of birds calling around us. The first round brought a good number...
Ringmærkningen: Dagen startede ud med let vind fra nord. Vi var fire ringmærkere, så vi håbede på en god dag med masser af fugle. Første runde var relativt stille, med 10-15 fugle, herunder en Sangdrossel...
Ringmærkningen: Xxxxxx Trækket på Odden: Nu kommer gæssene. Torsdagens træk ud af Østersøen var både interessant og underholdende. Vinden var slået om i nord til forskel fra de foregående dages...
Hello, I?m back again for another Autumn season at Skagen. It is really nice to be back, and I am looking forward to the coming couple of months and the migration that entails. Figure 1: A Reed Bunting...
With fall migration season in full swing, I am reminded of my big birding adventure from last year! I was invited to Audubon’s birding camp on Hog Island, Maine, where I joined the field...
BirdLife Norges gjeldende strategi ble vedtatt i 2019 og gjelder for perioden 2019–2024. Arbeidet med en revisjon er i gang, og en ny strategi for BirdLife Norge skal legges frem for årsmøtet i mai 2025. Medlemmer bes sende inn sine innspill via sitt lokallag eller fylkesavdeling. Innspill ønskes innen 31. desember 2024.
Ornitologer i 35 lande i Europa vil lørdag 5. oktober observere trækfugle på et halvt hundrede lokaliteter, hvor efterårets fugletræk er på vingerne. I Danmark inviterer DOF BirdLife på fuglekig fra landets nordligste, vestligste og sydligste punkter, når EuroBirdwatch Day er i luften.
Today didn?t start as usual, as Emma left for Estonia very early in the morning, so it was only me going out to the obs while Rosa and Mara went to Kabeltromlen. The morning seemed promising at first,...
Observations: Vinden var drejet op i den nordlige del af øst, og temperaturen startede på blot 6° i morges. Så der var virkelig oktober stemning på hukket i dag. Igen en hel del Sortænder, som...
Tonight Michael and I went out nightcatching. We were able to ring 6 birds. We caught a Herring gull, a Chiffchaff, a Robin, 2 Songthrushes and a starling. When Michael looked with the thermoscope in one...
Ringmærkningen: Endnu en morgen med friske vinde som desværre igen betød, at vi måtte undvære alle nettene der vender ud mod den østlige side af Odden. Heldigvis har temperaturfald og den kraftige...
My search for a Y-b Warbler or anything siberianish continues in vain and I cannot but regret that I didn’t travel to Værøy. The weather forecast has continued looking bad but this weekend the far wiser soles who travelled despite the forecast were rewarded with both White’s Thrush and Green Warbler and of course a Y-b Warbler or two. My birding rewards in and around an Oslo that has been bathed in sun have included twitching a Stonechat, many Chiffchaffs, a Smew, Kingfisher and Water Rails but nothing new for the year. I have tried a few times for Tengmalm’s Owl without luck but it is still early in the year and previously I have tried for them only in October so will try again. a juvenile Stonechat (svartstupe) - this is the first time I have seen this plumage in Norway montage of a male (all black bill) Kingfisher (isfugl) at Fornebu with a fish a Water Rail that was unusually visible Smew (lappfiskand) at Østensjøvannet. The pattern of the white n the wing shows it to be an adult bird. Whether it is a female or male in eclipse is not clear to me only one Black-throated Diver (storlom) remains on Maridalsvannet. It is an adult bird that has nearly fully moulted into winter plumage Grey Heron (hegre)
Painted: June 2024 About the Mural: At Harbor Middle School in Red Hook, Brooklyn, students learn about environmental issues while experiencing them firsthand—from the extra heat created by the...
A common sight across much of North America, the Killdeer is full of surprises. Though it’s considered a shorebird, the species is often found far from the beach. And despite its modest stature...
Fugler har sterk karisma og tiltrekningskraft. De beriker våre liv og gir oss uforglemmelige inntrykk. Livet er helt enkelt bedre med fugler. Fugler er tilgjengelige for oss overalt, og på alle nivåer. Hvis du kobler deg på naturen og trer inn i fuglenes verden på deres premisser, så vil du kunne oppleve mer fugler enn du ante at fantes.
Observations: I woke up half an hour before opening time and heard raindrops tapping against the window. In addition, it was quite windy and when the rain stopped, the sequel of the rain front, although...
Hej! Packed in warm, windproof clothing and determined we ventured out this morning for bird watching and ringing, undeterred by the wind. Augustin, Ragnar and Emma at the observation had to deal with...
The ringing: Xxxxxx Trækket på Odden: Hård vind fra øst pressede fuglene tættere på land, og vi oplevede et forrygende havtræk, hvor det mest interessante var, om vi også ville se fugle, når...
30. sep. 2024 kl. 23:10
30. sep. 2024 kl. 23:06
Climate change is one of the greatest threats to birds everywhere. There’s no question that we must do everything we can to reverse climate change and ensure a sustainable future for birds, people...