Beskrivelse: Supplement til de fine billeder fra Nord-Jylland. Her ses en adult hun - samme individ på alle 4 fotos.
Mindre orange på undersiden - i stedet mere bleg og med fine striber - samt meget lyse baser af armsvingfjer i mod skarpt afsat sort bagkant på armen. Tak til KMO for 'second opinion' og den præcise uddybning af min ID!
Beskrivelse: This 'morph' is also in the US called 'Great White Heron'. It might in the future be a 'split' from the nominate form. Some visible differences are shorter plumes, leg color, size (bigger).
Most guide books shows more or less uniform yellow legs - but this shot - and another other one on 'netfugl' shows a 'blend' of yellow and blackish. It's not a juvenile feature - since my bird also has the adult plume
Uploadet 2017-07-07
2017-07-07Ardea herodias occidentalisGreat Blue Heron
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Beskrivelse: Two great predators - the bigger of them American Corcodile (<i>Crocodylus acutus</i>) had less respect for the other hunter than the heron had - the heron hunted in the river not closer than 5 to 10 meters - obviously afraid of the big "guy".
Uploadet 2013-10-02
2013-10-02Ardea herodiasGreat Blue Heron
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Log ind her for at kommentere fotoet. Er du ikke oprettet som bruger kan du oprette dig som bruger her.