Beskrivelse: African Stonechat of the highly distinctive higland ssp. albofasciatus, which may be worthy of consideration as separate species. Here, it can be seen in the typical habitat of the Bale Parisoma (Parisoma (lugens?) griseiventris). Please note that due to recent taxonomic changes, the scientific name for African Stonechat now is the same as the former one for European Stonechat (which nowadays is S. rubicola).
Beskrivelse: African Stonechat of the highly distinctive higland ssp. albofasciatus, which may be worthy of consideration as separate species. Please note that due to recent taxonomic changes, the scientific name for African Stonechat now is the same as the former one for European Stonechat (which nowadays is S. rubicola).
Beskrivelse: En han af racen Albofasciatus som er endemisk for Etiopien og kandidat til artstatus. I så fald endnu en endemisk art for Etiopien med navnet Ethiopian Stone Chat - (Saxicola Albofasciatus) - Etioperbynkefugl
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