VP Artsliste - Kronologisk

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Dette er en ranking på baggrund af de arter, der er truffet inden for VP's grænser.

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# Dato * Navn Land Lokation Kort
614 2016-11-05 * Stensvale (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) England Minsmere, Suffolk
613 2016-10-14 * Sibirisk Jernspurv (Prunella montanella) England Easington
612 2016-08-23 * Amerikansk Kongeterne (Thalasseus maximus) Irland Beale Point, Co Kerry
611 2016-03-10 Lille Skråpe (Puffinus baroli) Kap Verde Praia lighthouse
610 2016-03-09 Revhejre (Egretta gularis) Kap Verde Faveta reservoir, Santiago
609 2016-03-08 Kap Verde-skråpe (Calonectris edwardsii) Kap Verde Praia lighthouse
608 2016-03-08 * Mellemhejre (Ardea intermedia) Kap Verde Barregem de Poilao, sntiago
607 2016-03-08 * Skyggehejre (Egretta ardesiaca) Kap Verde Barragem de poilao
606 2016-03-05 * Pragtfregatfugl (Fregata magnificens) Kap Verde Curral Velho Boa Vista
605 2016-03-05 Rødnæbbet Tropikfugl (Phaethon aethereus) Kap Verde Sal Rei, Boa Vista
604 2015-08-12 * Amerikansk Sortand (Melanitta americana) Irland Bridges of Ross Co Clare
603 2015-06-20 * Amerikansk Småspove (Numenius hudsonicus) England Pagham harbour, W Sussex
602 2015-05-10 Citronsisken (Carduelis citrinella) Storbritannien Burnham overy Norfolk
601 2015-05-02 * Grøn Sanger (Phylloscopus nitidus) Georgien Jandari Lake
600 2015-05-01 * Dværgskarv (Microcarbo pygmaeus) Georgien Jandari lake
599 2015-05-01 Bjerggransanger (Phylloscopus sindianus) Georgien Jandari Lake
598 2015-04-27 * Klippeværling (Emberiza cia) Georgien Kazbegi
597 2015-04-26 * Slagfalk (Falco cherrug) Georgien Jvari pass
596 2015-04-26 * Stendrossel (Monticola saxatilis) Georgien Sno valley Kazbegi
595 2015-04-26 Rødpandet Irisk (Serinus pusillus) Georgien Kazbegi
594 2015-04-26 * Stor Rosenfinke (Carpodacus rubicilla) Georgien Kazbegi
593 2015-04-26 Balkanhøg (Accipiter brevipes) Georgien Jvari pass
592 2015-04-26 Sort Urfugl (Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi) Georgien Kazbegi
591 2015-04-26 * Kaukasisk Kongehøne (Tetraogallus caucasicus) Georgien Kazbegi
590 2015-04-26 * Bjergrødstjert (Phoenicurus erythrogastrus) Georgien Kazbegi
589 2015-04-26 Murløber (Tichodroma muraria) Georgien Jvari pass
588 2015-03-14 * Hjelmskallesluger (Lophodytes cucullatus) Island Reykjavik
587 2015-03-13 * Amerikansk Fløjlsand (Melanitta deglandi) Island Reykjanesbaer
586 2015-03-13 Strømand (Histrionicus histrionicus) Island Gardur
585 2015-02-27 * Gråhovedet Måge (Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus) Italien Bisceglie harbour
584 2015-01-01 * Dværgtrappe (Tetrax tetrax) England Bridlington
583 2014-08-25 * Mørkrygget Stormsvale (Oceanodroma monorhis) Irland Bridges of ROSS
582 2014-03-26 * Sort Bynkefugl (Saxicola caprata) Israel Ne'ot smadar
581 2014-03-23 Sort Trænattergal (Cercotrichas podobe) Israel Yotvata sewage pools
580 2014-03-23 * Brun Sule (Sula leucogaster) Israel North beach Elat
579 2014-03-17 Langnæbbet Piber (Anthus similis) Israel Le Hav
578 2014-03-17 * Burmastær (Acridotheres burmannicus) Israel Ha Yakon park Tel Aviv
577 2014-03-16 * Nubisk Natravn (Caprimulgus nubicus) Israel near Ne'ot Hakikar
576 2014-02-16 * Myrtesanger (Setophaga coronata) England High shincliffe
575 2013-12-29 * Polarlomvie (Uria lomvia) Storbritannien Portland Bill
574 2013-12-05 Sortsvane (Cygnus atratus) Holland Utrect area
573 2013-12-04 * Høgeugle (Surnia ulula) Holland Zwolle
572 2013-10-19 * Amerikansk Præstekrave (Charadrius semipalmatus) Storbritannien Hayling Island Hants
571 2013-07-09 * Brun Fiskeugle (Ketupa zeylonensis) Tyrkiet Oymapinar Reservoir, Antalya
570 2013-07-03 * Brilleterne (Onychoprion anaethetus) England Farne islands, northumberland
569 2013-06-15 * Orientsejler (Apus pacificus) England Trimley marsh suffolk
568 2013-05-18 * Brundrossel (Turdus eunomus) England margate cemetry, kent
567 2013-04-26 Hvidrygget Flagspætte (Dendrocopos leucotos) Polen felix,march or die tours krakow
566 2013-04-25 Hjerpe (Tetrastes bonasia) Polen felix march or die tours, Krakow
565 2013-04-25 Slagugle (Strix uralensis) Polen Niepolomicka forest, felix march or die tours
564 2012-01-12 * Dværgsnegås (Anser rossii) England Holkam freshmaesh, Norfolk
563 2011-12-01 * Alaskaryle (Calidris mauri) England cley, norfolk
562 2011-10-09 * Nordlig Vanddrossel (Parkesia noveboracensis) England higgo's pool dump clump st marys isles of scilly
561 2011-10-02 * Prærietrane (Antigone canadensis) England Boyton Marsh, Suffolk
560 2011-09-19 Kap Verde-petrel (Pterodroma feae) England cley, Norfolk pending BBRC
559 2011-08-29 Ægæerskråpe (Puffinus yelkouan) England cley,Norfolk, pending BBRC
558 2011-02-19 * Østlig Turteldue (Streptopelia orientalis) England chipping norton, oxfordshire
557 2011-01-22 * Amerikansk Kærhøg (Circus hudsonius) England Titchwell Norfolk
556 2010-09-25 * Elle-empidonax (Empidonax alnorum) England plantation, blakeney point, Norfolk
555 2009-10-24 * Østlig Kronsanger (Phylloscopus coronatus) England trow quarry, Trowe Leas, south shields
554 2009-10-17 * Brun Tornskade (Lanius cristatus) England Staines moor
553 2008-05-06 Cypernstenpikker (Oenanthe cypriaca) Cypern Ancient Kourion, akrotiri
552 2008-05-06 Cypernsanger (Curruca melanothorax) Cypern Ancient kourion, Akrotiri
551 2008-05-06 * Eleonorafalk (Falco eleonorae) Cypern akrotiri cliffs
550 2008-01-06 * Hvidkronet Spurv (Zonotrichia leucophrys) England cley next the sea, norfolk
549 2007-10-12 * Amerikansk Bekkasin (Gallinago delicata) England lower moors , isles of scilly
548 2007-07-20 * Wilsons Stormsvale (Oceanites oceanicus) England isles of scilly
547 2007-03-04 * Stillehavslom (Gavia pacifica) Wales lyns-y-fran resevoir
546 2006-11-12 * Langnæbbet Dværgalk (Brachyramphus perdix) England Dawlish, devon
545 2006-04-14 Hvidnæbbet Lom (Gavia adamsii) Skotland Bara, western isles
544 2006-04-08 * Kildire (Charadrius vociferus) England Blakeney, Norfolk
543 2005-10-08 * Stribet Sanger (Setophaga striata) England lower broom platform, garrison, isles of scilly
542 2005-07-20 * Sodfarvet Terne (Onychoprion fuscatus) Wales cemlyn bay, anglesey,
541 2005-05-29 Islandsk Hvinand (Bucephala islandica) Skotland Loch of Strathbeg, Aberdeenshire
540 2005-04-01 * Bæltestødfisker (Megaceryle alcyon) England shugborugh park stafford
539 2005-03-10 * Rüppells Grib (Gyps rueppelli) Spanien recycling centre near Los Barrios, Spain
538 2004-04-13 * Bøffeland (Bucephala albeola) England pugneys country park
537 2004-01-11 * Vandredrossel (Turdus migratorius) England grimsby lincs
536 2004-01-11 * Baltimoretrupial (Icterus galbula) England 36, Northfield rd , Headington, Oxford
535 2003-10-11 * Gråkindet Skovdrossel (Catharus minimus) England borough farm tresco isles of scilly
534 2003-06-06 * Sortlærke (Melanocorypha yeltoniensis) Wales south stack angelsey
533 2001-11-24 * Sibirisk Krikand (Sibirionetta formosa) England minsmere, suffolk
532 2001-11-11 * Snehejre (Egretta thula) Skotland Barlvicar, Argyll
531 2001-10-13 * Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) England Prawle point, Devon
530 2001-09-29 * Krabbehejre (Butorides virescens) England messingham gps, scunthorpe
529 2000-10-13 * Olivenskovdrossel (Catharus ustulatus) England porth hellick house st marys Isles of scilly
528 2000-10-09 * Amerikansk Svaleklire (Tringa solitaria) England rocky hills, st marys, isles of scilly
527 2000-08-13 * Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla) Storbritannien Rye harbour West Sussex
526 2000-05-21 * Pallas' Græshoppesanger (Helopsaltes certhiola) England blakeney point, Norfolk
525 2000-02-20 * Sorarørvagtel (Porzana carolina) England stover country park, newton abbot
524 1999-10-15 * Gulddrossel (Zoothera aurea) England St Agnes Scilly Isles
523 1999-10-13 * Bartramsklire (Bartramia longicauda) England windsock st marys, isles of scilly
522 1999-10-13 * Gulnæbbet Gøg (Coccyzus americanus) England Great Pool Tresco, isles of scilly
521 1999-10-10 * Kortnæbbet Sneppeklire (Limnodromus griseus) England greatham creek, seal sands , middlesborough
520 1998-07-06 * Sibirisk Hjejle (Pluvialis fulva) England Buckenham marsh, Norfolk
519 1998-05-22 Kærløber (Calidris falcinellus) England cley, norfolk
518 1998-03-29 * Mørkøjet Junco (Junco hyemalis) England vicar's cross Chester
517 1997-10-06 * Amerikansk Hjejle (Pluvialis dominica) England content farm, st marys isles of scilly
516 1997-09-07 * Klireryle (Calidris himantopus) England minsmere, suffolk
515 1997-02-02 * Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps) England south norwood, croyden
514 1997-01-25 * Stor Taffeland (Aythya valisineria) England welney,norfolk
513 1997-01-12 * Snegås (Anser caerulescens) England choseley, norfolk
512 1996-11-10 * Sorthvid Sanger (Mniotilta varia) England Trowes, Norkolk
511 1996-10-27 * Storryle (Calidris tenuirostris) England seal sands, cleveland
510 1996-10-16 * Østlig Lundsanger (Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus) Storbritannien Wells Norfolk
509 1996-04-28 * Amerikansk Blishøne (Fulica americana) England stodmarsh, kent
508 1996-03-09 * Cedersilkehale (Bombycilla cedrorum) England nottingham
507 1996-03-09 * Amerikansk Taffeland (Aythya americana) England bleasby gps, nottinghamshire
506 1996-01-07 Prærieterne (Sterna forsteri) England Portland Bill, Weymouth
505 1994-09-18 * Sibirisk Drossel (Geokichla sibirica) England gun hill burnham overy, norfolk