Beskrivelse: Green Avadavat er en endemisk art i Indien, og er nu blevet en lokal og sårbar art. Toppen af Mount Abu, som er en populær turist "hill station" i ørkenstaten Rajasthan, er et godt sted at se den. Vi fandt ret hurtigt to småflokke, som var nede at drikke ved vandløb ved noget krat, i landbymiljøet.
Beskrivelse: The sleepy Village of Oriya on Mount Abu was literally teaming with these otherwise illusive and hard to see munias. Was delighted to glimpse them a couple of days prior in the Mount Abu Sanctuary. But here in Oriya they fearlessly posed in large groups on Lantana bushes.
Beskrivelse: The sleepy Village of Oriya on Mount Abu was literally teaming with these otherwise illusive and hard to see munias. Was delighted to glimpse them a couple of days prior in the Mount Abu Sanctuary. But here in Oriya they fearlessly posed in large groups on Lantana bushes.
Hi Paul,
Nice snap with your trusty Cybershot :-) and detail on the location of the species.
Enjoy your next India trip, probably without a Squacco!
Beskrivelse: Green Avadavat er en af Indiens mest truede småfugle, og ses sjældent af besøgende birdere, da den skal findes lidt udenfor de gængse områder. Et hot-spot er Mount Abu, hvor den eftertragtede art findes i småflokke i næsten alle de tilstødende dale.
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