Beskrivelse: Three Great Snipes were flushed at this site on September 3rd, but a search the following day produced a near record count of five birds the same place...
Normally less than 20 Great Snipes are recorded in Denmark annually. The species is though surely under recorded since the species normally can be found relatively easily with a focused search in the rigth kind of habitats during late August and early September.....
Fedt - og svært billede Rune !
Flugtbilleder med landskab som baggrund er toppen !
Jeg synes man tydeligt fornemmer Tredækkerens voluminøse krop i forhold til en mere slank Dobbeltbekassin..
Flotte flugtfotos af tredækker, Rune. Det er bemærkelsesværdigt hvor ringe man ser de brede, hvide halesider. Ses måske næsten kun når den lander/letter. Derimod er hvide vingebånd kombineret med mørke store dækfjer meget tydeligere.
Vh Flemming
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Beskrivelse: Three Great Snipes were flushed at this site on September 3rd, but a search the following day produced a near record count of five birds the same place...
Normally less than 20 Great Snipes are recorded in Denmark annually. The species is though surely under recorded since the species normally can be found relatively easily with a focused search in the rigth kind of habitats during late August and early September.....
Beskrivelse: Showing underwing of Great Snipe on the small picture in the lower left corner and with a small picture of the underwing of a Common Snipe in the upper left corner for comparison.
Three Great Snipes were flushed at this site on September 3rd, but a search the following day produced a near record count of five birds the same place...
Normally less than 20 Great Snipes are recorded in Denmark annually. The species is though surely under recorded since the species normally can be found relatively easily with a focused search in the rigth kind of habitats during late August and early September.....
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