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Beskrivelse: This small hippo was found in a mature garden in Rituvík. It only put on a show for a few seconds at the time and was very shy. I noticed first of all the size. It seemed to have the size of a willow warbler - but was somehow slimmer and longer-tailed. The back was sandy-grey-browish and the throat and belly were pure white it seemed. It had no green or yellow colour-tones, and I suppose that excludes both icterine and melodious warbler (as size does). It had a "not all to obvious" eyebrow, but it was still visible both behind and in front of the eye. The legs seemed dark. It stayed almost entirely in the top of the trees. Only once in went to to a scrubbery and it was never seen on the ground. It called several times with a clean "teck" similar to the sound you get when you knock two small rocks agains each other. Comments on the id are most welcome. Silas

Uploadet 2011-09-10 Publiceret 2011-09-10 Hippolais sp. Warbler sp.
2 2863
12. sep. 2011 kl. 00:40
12. sep. 2011 kl. 09:51

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