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Brun Fiskeugle (Ketupa zeylonensis) Brown Fish Owl -
Sjældenhed: Sjælden
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Beskrivelse: Photos by <b>Per Jacob Pilgaard</b> and <b>Jan Pilgaard</b> This record could be the first public known record of the Brown Fish Owl within WP. And even better – the bird can be viewed from tourist boat trips. The bird has already been seen and photographed by thousands of tourist, so forwarding the information to Netfugls users will surely not do any harm to the population. The photos above and beneath was taken on a family holiday to Turkey. Since the family didn’t know what owl it was, the photos were forwarded to the father of one of the participants. After the ID was given, Netfugl has tried to solve the puzzle in order to forward as much detailed information about the record as possible. The family were on a guided boat trip on the water reservoir Green Canyon/Oymapinar Baraji when the guide (captain on the boat) in the end of the trip told the group to pay attention to two caves on the steep part of the mountain, since it was possible to see an owl in each cave. The group was told that this owl was rare and only found in areas like this. The captain stopped the boat there for several minutes so everybody could see and get pictures of the owl. The "shadow" of the owl can be seen in one of the photos of the cave beneath. The bird was sitting in the part called “Little Canyon” which, to Netfugls knowledge, is the small canyon to the southeast in the Green Canyon/Oymapinar Baraji area. The area can be viewed here: <a target='_blank' href=' 36.9012889%2C 31.5773000'>36°54'4.64"N 31°34'38.28"E or </a> Degrees Lat Long: 36.9012889°, 031.5773000° Degrees Minutes: 36°54.07733', 031°34.63800' Degrees Minutes Seconds: 36°54'04.6400", 031°34'38.2800" Apparently boat trips are from the Oymapinar Dam in the south western part of the lake. Many photos from the area can be viewed at Google Earth. Since the area is located north of Side and pretty close to Antalya and Alanya it should be fairly easy for birders on summer holiday in Turkey to follow up on the information. Netfugl would be delighted to receive additional information from visiting birders since many <a target='_blank' href=''>WP listers at Netfugl, haven’t seen the species yet</a>. Public tourist trips are numerous and popular: <div align='center'><img src='' width='480' height='360' alt='Public tourist trips are numerous and popular' border='0' /></div> Entering the Little Canyon: <div align='center'><img src='' width='480' height='360' alt='Entering the Little Canyon' border='0' /></div> The cave with the Owl: <div align='center'><img src='' width='480' height='360' alt='The cave with the Owl' border='0' /></div> <div align='center'><img src='' width='480' height='360' alt='The cave with the Owl' border='0' /></div> The guy to the left took the following photos of the owl: <div align='center'><img src='' width='480' height='360' alt='The owl' border='0' /></div> <div align='center'><img src='' width='480' height='360' alt='The owl' border='0' /></div> <div align='center'><img src='' width='480' height='360' alt='The owl' border='0' /></div> <a target='_blank' href=''>Click for details from Dutch Birding regarding the first breeding record in WP</a> <a target='_blank' href=''>Click for an YouTube video from the area</a>

Uploadet 2011-07-16 Publiceret 2011-07-16 Ketupa zeylonensis Brown Fish Owl
13 19937
17. jul. 2011 kl. 21:45
18. jul. 2011 kl. 14:29
19. jul. 2011 kl. 10:34
19. jul. 2011 kl. 11:26
23. jul. 2011 kl. 09:33
23. jul. 2011 kl. 19:19
24. jul. 2011 kl. 08:44
24. jul. 2011 kl. 22:50
27. jul. 2011 kl. 18:26
29. jul. 2011 kl. 13:10
22. aug. 2011 kl. 22:33
7. feb. 2012 kl. 02:16
3. apr. 2012 kl. 12:11

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