Titel: immature
Beskrivelse: Perhaps the next new Category C species in Portugal? Apparently Scaly-breasted Munia is at the moment easier to see than Black-headed Munia (already a Category C species).
Six birds was seen in grass by the bridge at GPS <a target='_blank' href="http://maps.google.dk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=da&geocode=&q=N38%C2%B015'10.83''+W8%C2%B021'31.29''&aq=&sll=38.245865,-8.349609&sspn=0.048736,0.111151&ie=UTF8&z=16">N38°15'10.83'' W8°21'31.29''</a> just to the north of Aldeia de São Ramão.
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