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Beskrivelse: Early breakfast at 5:30 and then off we went towards the feeding area. The park ranger Domingo were leading the way and although he is not a birder he still manage to imitate a calling Ocellated Tapaculo on the way with prolonged close-up views of this charismatic bird as a result. A little later a Slate-crowned Antpitta was spotted in the bamboo thickets being the first antpitta of the morning. And soon after we saw a Chestnut-naped and then an Undulated Antpitta on the trail. And to complete the antpittas seen this morning a spectacular adult Jocotoco Antpitta - the holy grail of the Tapichalaca Reserve - suddenly looked at us from a few meters distance! One of the two adults visiting the feeding area this morning for the next 45 minutes. The fact that this was a feeding area really didn't make it a less impressive experience. They are totally cool birds! Besides the Jocotoco’s a Chestnut-naped join the party when the Jocotoco's were off feeding the juvenile(s)?. Another Chestnut-naped was seen as well but was much more shy. After these cool birds we continued on the trail an soon enjoy views of two White‐throated Quail‐dove from a hide. Then thing started to slow this being a sunny morning but the sightings alone of four different antpitta species meant this morning’s birding was a great success!

Uploadet 2011-01-31 Publiceret 2011-01-31 Grallaria ridgelyi Jocotoco Antpitta

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