Dette er ikke en Maskesule men
Sula granti NAZCA BOOBY. New species, split from S. dactylatra. Pitman and LeDuc, in prep. Nests mainly on steep cliffs of high islands. Largest colonies in the Galápagos Islands and Malpelo Island off Colombia, smaller numbers breed on Clipperton Island, Alijos Rocks, San Benedicto and Roca Partida in the Revillagigedo Islands off w Mexico and Isla de La Plata off Ecuador. Sympatric with S. dactylatra on several islands during breeding season, but only two possible hybrids have been seen among "tens of thousands scrutinized through the eastern tropical Pacific that were not readily" assigned to species (Pitman and LeDuc, cited above). The two species have different at-sea ranges in the eastern tropical Pacific: Masked Boobies (S. dactylatra) from Clipperton Island range mostly to the west of the island, whereas the Nazca Boobies from Galápagos or Malpelo move north to an area e of Clipperton, off the west coast of Mexico and C. America. The most obvious morphological difference between the two species is bill color: yellow in Masked Booby and orange in Nazca Booby. The English name was chosen because breeding colonies are confined to islands on the Nazca Plate.
® 1994-1996, Dr. Charles Sibley and Thayer Birding Software, Ltd.
Hej Morten
Det var nyt for mig, at Maskesule er blevet splittet. Ved du om den geografiske udbredelse er helt adskilt for de to arter?
Jeg har for en halv snes år siden set Maskesule i det vestlige Mexico - iøvrigt en fed sejlads i 30 graders varme med tusindvis af torshøns plus en hel del sabinemåger og diverse skråper og stormsvaler. Men jeg husker intet om, hvorvidt næbbet var gult eller orange. - Mange hilsner Søren
Hej Morten
Tak for information. Jeg har rettet artsnavnet. Nazcasule lyder vel okay,(?) men jeg har ikke tilføjet et dansk navn.
Kenneth Rude
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