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Blåvinget And (Spatula discors) Blue-winged Teal -
Sjældenhed: SU
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Titel: male

Beskrivelse: This bird is assumed to be a Blue-winged Teal and it is at the moment under evaluation by the Danish Rarity Committee. It only stayed at the site one day but was nevertheless twitched by about 40 Danish birders. The bird was quite difficult to photograph but studies of some of the pictures taken afterwards show that this bird is a little odd. It looks like the bird is having red eyes that may indicate a hybrid?

Uploadet 2001-09-13 Publiceret 2001-09-13 Anas discors Blue-winged Teal
4 4091
27. feb. 2005 kl. 13:04
15. feb. 2013 kl. 05:34
15. feb. 2013 kl. 20:11
15. feb. 2013 kl. 20:32

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