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Ziway - Etiopien

Titel: Adult (2K+) i sommerdragt - Adult in breeding plumage

Beskrivelse: Up to 21 Temminck's Stint were counted on flooded meadows and mudflats along Lake Ziway 29/4-1/5 2018. Conditions were ideal for this species, because of much rain i April 2018. Rubberboots were a must to get around in the area and count them! At the same time in 2017, when the area was almost dry, there were only up to 2. According to Birds of Ethiopia and Eritrea 21 should be a record count for Ethiopia (but this book also states that the species is not found i May in Ethiopia - in fact it is fairly common in early May). I think my own previous max count in the country is 12. Temminck's stint is fairly common from September to May, but mostly only 1-3 birds at a time. Little Stint can be seen in much larger numbers, in thousands (record up to 36.000) - but usually at localities not suited for Temminck's Stint.

Uploadet 2018-05-09 Publiceret 2018-05-09 Calidris temminckii Temminck's Stint

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