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Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) -
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Titel: Male

Beskrivelse: Yucatan endem. If not very common then at least very visible when present. Seen at two different temple sites in the area - and as here directly on the road to the Calakmul temple site. Dense wood on both sides of the road. This male in display attacked any slow running wehicle - and persons on the road like Western capercaillie does in May in Scandinavia - but this bird is HUGE and has spurs. And knows how to use them. It is no 'joke' - as it sometimes seem to be with the capercaillie. The 600mm kept me safe.

Uploadet 2015-07-27 Publiceret 2015-07-27 Meleagris ocellata Ocellated Turkey

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