World Bird List

Species factsheet
Blood Pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus)

Order: Ithaginis cruentus
Family: Pheasants & Allies (Phasianidae)

Voices can be found here (external link)
Subspecies and Distribution
Subspecie Distribution
cruentus n Nepal, sc Tibet
affinis Sikkim (ne India), w Bhutan and sse Tibet.
tibetanus e Bhutan, se Tibet
kuseri n Assam and e Arunachal Pradesh (ne India), ese Tibet, nw Yunnan (sw China)
marionae w Yunnan (sw China), ne Myanmar
rocki nw Yunnan (sw China)
clarkei Lichiang Mountains in nw Yunnan (sw China)
geoffroyi e Tibet and sw Sichuan (w China)
berezowskii nw Sichuan to s Gansu (c China)
beicki ne Qinghai (nc China)
michaelis n Qinghai and nw Gansu (nc China)
sinensis Shensi (c China)