Order: Cinclus cinclus
Danske navn: Vandstær
Voices can be found here (external link)Subspecie | Distribution |
hibernicus | Ireland and w Scotland |
gularis | Scotland (except w), n, c and w England and Wales |
cinclus | n Europe, w and c France and n Spain, Corsica and Sardinia |
aquaticus | c and s Europe |
olympicus | Cyprus |
minor | nw Africa |
rufiventris | w Syria and Lebanon |
uralensis | Ural Mts. (w Russia) |
caucasicus | Turkey to the Caucasus, n Iran and n Iraq |
persicus | sw Iran |
leucogaster | sc Russia, nw China south to Afghanistan and n Pakistan |
baicalensis | sc and se Siberia |
cashmeriensis | w and c Himalayas |
przewalskii | e Himalayas, s Tibet and w China |