Order: Cistothorus platensis
Subspecie | Distribution |
tinnulus | w Mexico |
potosinus | San Luis Potosí (c Mexico) |
jalapensis | c Veracruz (e Mexico) |
warneri | lowlands of Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas (se Mexico) |
russelli | Belize |
elegans | s Mexico and Guatemala |
graberi | se Honduras and ne Nicaragua |
lucidus | Costa Rica and w Panama |
alticola | n Colombia through Venezuela to w Guyana |
aequatorialis | wc Colombia to c Peru |
graminicola | sc Peru |
minimus | s Peru to s Bolivia |
polyglottus | se Brazil, Paraguay and ne Argentina |
tucumanus | s Bolivia and nw Argentina |
platensis | c and e Argentina |
hornensis | c and s Chile, s Argentina |
falklandicus | Falkland Is. |